My Dear Friends in the Lord Jesus,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to Our Lady of Fatima School. I am greatly impressed by the commitment of the school and the staff for the provision of an excellent all-around education for our students with a vision – ‘Where Faith, Learning, and Service have no limits”. Our mission is to provide a conducive environment for the student community that fosters the integral formation of the whole child towards the pursuit of excellence. Our Lady of Fatima School strives to transform every child through academic excellence with integral co-curricular activities upholding the value system of harmony with nature, respect for humanity, and responsibility to the society by building confidence, skills, and competence to transform them as enlightened citizens who care for the nation. Our Catholic faith permeates every class and subject throughout the school day. We do all we can to impart, through words and actions, the values and beliefs of our faith.

The biggest question parents ask is, “Why should I send my children to Catholic school?”  Certainly, many of our public schools do an outstanding job educating children in the basics. But only our Catholic schools can provide that added, and more eternal, learning about God, about the faithful call to service and ministry, and the development of the faith-life of our students and our families. I believe that only in our Catholic Schools can we help our students put the world in a proper context by relating everything to God.

We at Fatima are not just a school but truly a family! Our parents are deeply involved in the life of our school community. I invite you to consider the incredible benefits of a Catholic School education to your children and family. It is an investment in your children and sets the foundation for their future studies & careers and, more importantly, builds the foundation of a life-long Faith.

Please join me in thanking Our Loving God for the many graces He always bestows upon our school family. May we continue to seek the powerful intercession of our Patron, the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Father Tijo George