Hello Fatima families! This week we will be celebrating Catholic School Week. We will be participating in festivities, doing activities, and discussing our Catholic school community!

Sunday is celebrate your parish day. There will be a student-led mass at 11:00.

Monday is Celebrating your community day! Students will dress in their favorite sports team attire and bring canned soup to donate to food banks.

Tuesday is decades day! Dress in your favorite decades attire!

Wednesday is celebrate our nation day. Students are invited to wear patriotic attire representing their family’s cultural heritage.

Thursday we celebrate vocations! Wear your craziest hat, socks, or sunglasses!

Friday is celebrating our staff, faculty, and volunteers. We also will be sporting our Fatima spirit wear. Go nights!

Saturday is the day we celebrate families. Spend the acknowledging and appreciating all the work our school community does, as well as you! We are truly grateful for all you do to make our school thrive and truly be a place of learning, faith, and community.