Science Lesson Schedule

Week: 24

5th grade:

Monday: Review Human Impact’s on Ecosystems project expectations and requirements, class work time. *projects due Thursday at the beginning of class

Tuesday: project work

Wednesday: no class- Field Trip

Thursday: Projects due- present to class

Friday:  finish presentations- worksheet


6th grade:

Tuesday: Begin Waves PPT

Wednesday: no class- Field Trip

Thursday: finish waves ppt

Friday: class only with Mrs. Aya-ay 2nd pd- mix waves and writing?


7th grade:

Monday:  (BLOCK PERIOD) Allels- dominant and recessive genes

Tuesday:  Punnett squares

Thursday: Genotype and Phenotype

Friday: Patterns of inheritance activity


8th grade:

Monday: make up work- math

Tuesday: components of matter PPT. Elements, molecules and compounds practice- HW

Wednesday: no class- field trip

Thursday: in class Components of Matter practice

Friday:  Balancing Chemical Equations PPT- start


Science enrichment classes will be creating Valentines themed crystals