Hello!  This week we will begin NWEA testing so please make sure students are well rested.  We will complete our 4-5th grade and 6-8th grade spelling bees this week.  The county spelling bee will be held on 2/6.

5th Grade- I hope this week we can wrap up our novel study.  Students will submit their final essay for the Young Writer’s contest.  We will complete a vocabulary and grammar lessons as time permits.

6th Grade- Students will submit their final essay for the Young Writer’s contest.  We will complete a Wordly Wise lesson and grammar lesson as time permits. We will have our class spelling bee this week.

7th Grade- Students will submit their final essay for the Young Writer’s contest.  We will complete a Wordly Wise lesson as time permits.  Students will also complete a lesson on ellipsis, dash and comma for grammar review.  I hope this week we will complete our novel.

8th Grade- Students will submit their final essay for the Young Writer’s contest.  We will complete a Wordly Wise lesson as time permits.  I hope we can begin our next novel study which will be The Rocket Boys.  My dad is supposed to come show artifacts and discuss his time working in the coal mines in WV.  This will also help gain knowledge for the WV Golden Horseshow test.