Hello Pre-K Families,

This week we are all about loving our neighbors. We will have lessons and discussions about who our neighbors are, and how we should treat each other. We will be focusing on measurement this week with nontraditional measuring tools. We will be graphing our measurement data, and discussing our conclusions based on the data. Our students will be creating Valentine’s art using various media. Our letter this week will be “Ll”. On Friday students may bring in a show and tell item that begins with the letter L. We will be participating in science explorations using candy hearts as a class to build our inquiry skills.

Friday will also be our class Valentine’s Day party. Please send Valentine’s your child may pass out to their classmates on Friday. We will have bags for them to collect their valentines in.

I will be offering conference dates to parents in the next couple of weeks to discuss your student’s middle of the year ELERS assessment reports. I will be sending out a Class Dojo announcement later this week with available dates and times.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at aspringer@olofatima.org or contact me via Class Dojo.

Have a lovely week!

-Amanda Springer