5th Grade: This week, 5th grade students will be learning about the government/political structures of the American Indian nations from their beginning on North America up til today. All work is expected to be completed in class so homework is not anticipated. All students are expected to come to class prepared with their social studies binders, a charged chromebook, and something to write with. 


6th Grade: This week in social studies, we will be learning about the early Americans. This includes American Indians in North America and the Olmec, Inca, and Mayan civilizations in central/South America. While reading the textbook we will record our vocabulary words and definitions. All work is expected to be completed in class so homework is not anticipated. All students are expected to come to class prepared with their social studies binders, a charged chromebook, and something to write with. 


7th Grade: This week in social studies, 7th Grade students will be learning about ancient Greek military tactics while reading about the Persian and Pelopenisian wars. All work is expected to be completed in class so homework is not anticipated. All students are expected to come to class prepared with their social studies binders, a charged chromebook, and something to write with.


8th Grade: In West Virginia history, students will be learning about the first permanent settlers of West Virginia. We spent the last couple of weeks talking about European explorers who traveled here in the name of the British crown, and now we are discussing the pioneers that chose to settle here after those initial explorations. All work is expected to be completed in class so homework is not anticipated. All students are expected to come to class prepared with their social studies binders, a charged chromebook, and something to write with. 



5th & 6th Grade – 5th and 6th Grade students will be learning about the 10 commandments and how to use the 10 commandments to examine our conscience in preparation for the sacrament of confession. 


7th Grade – 8th Grade:  Students will learn the meaning All Souls/All Saints Day